Thursday, June 18, 2015

In Jackson Hole WY today!

Made it through Yellowstone National Park as well as Teton National Park.
THE TRAFFIC IS CRAZY!!! Cyclists beware! Speeders and crazy Foreign drivers.

Had a Seizure as we just entered into Yellowstone from West Yellowstone, MT.
Vesper tackled me off the bike so I wouldn't go into GM and run into the road of packed speeding cars both ways. After a little spill and about 20 Min. to gather our senses again, we got back on our bikes to continue to Madison Junction Campground.

After resting a night, we were told that the next campgrounds were open at Grant Village which was about 30mi. away and over two huge passes. IT WAS NOT OPEN!
we had to travel further over yet another huge pass to make it to the next place to camp at Lewis Lake. By the time we got there the campsite was full!
It had only one Hiker/biker campsite reserved and it was taken.
Thankfully a kind Canadian from Quebec and his son were not going to be using the tent site and gave it to us.
Thank you Marc and Cedric for your kindness!! We still have the Maple Syrup and cannot wait to eat it!

Once we left Yellowstone we cycled to Colter Bay Village where we stayed for two nights.
Here is a view of the Tetons.
Our next stop was at the Signal Mountain Campgrounds where we were able to watch the final game of the NBA Finals between Golden State and Cleavland! GO WARRIORS!
After two nights camping there we have now made it to Jackson, WY where we may hopefully find a WARM SHOWER connection.
Wish us luck! We will otherwise have to pedal to Teton Village to find a campsite.

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