Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

Back in Portland, OR.....
Leaving once again EAST.
We are not planning the whole USA, but at least half.
We are headed back to Texas!!

After selling the bikes we had on the first trip, because we needed money to move back to PDX, this time I have another Black Surley (an older year) and Vesper has a Vintage Tour Malet Lemond.
Pictures to follow soon.

We will be taking the Louis and Clark ACA Trail to Missoula, MT
Then we will take the ACA Trans American Trail to Yellowstone.
In Yellowstone we will hop on the Great Divide ACA Trail south till we connect with the Southern Tier ACA Trail into TX!

We are not using panniers this time and we have maps this time!!
We both have Burley trailers, a nomad and a bee for Yoshi!!
Yoshi is 10 years old now and is really excited that we will be on the road again!

We are returning to TX to spend the last few years of Vesper's kids childhood with them as well as to defend the USA against our tyrannical Government. What better place to defend our birthplace than in TEXAS!!

Leaving on the 1st of April 2015.
Bye, bye Portland...again.